Download 3 Historical Novels by Rosemary Sutcliff (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

3 Historical Novels by Rosemary Sutcliff
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.68 MB
Overview: Rosemary Sutcliff was a British novelist, best known as a writer of highly acclaimed historical fiction. Although primarily a children’s author, the quality and depth of her writing also appeals to adults, she herself once commenting that she wrote "for children of all ages from nine to ninety."
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics > Historical

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Blood & Sand

Why on earth, in the Year of Our Lord 1807, was he in Egypt fighting the Turks? Like many a soldier before him and after, Private Thomas Keith of the 78th Highlanders had very little idea of why and his comrades were about to be thrown into battle against superior forces, far away on a foreign field.
And later, lying wounded and a prisoner in a village headman’s house, one of a pitiful handful of survivors, he could have had no idea at all that he was at the start of an extraordinary series of adventures that would see him rise to become Emir of the holy Islamic city of Medina….

Lady in Waiting

Handsome and gifted, Walter Ralegh was a star even in a court of brilliant men ruled by one of the greatest monarchs of all time, Elizabeth I. Ralegh held position and power, and was loved by the Queen, but his dream was to conquer new lands for Elizabeth, to find El Dorado. Bess Throckmorton was one of the Queen’s Maids of Honour.
Shy and retiring, her dream was to capture the heart of the proud and restless Ralegh, in whose life it seemed she would always come second.
But when Elizabeth dies and James I comes to power, Ralegh’s fortunes take a dramatic turn… Once a beloved courtier, he becomes a disgraced prisoner. And his dreams of reaching El Dorado seem to be forever out of reach. Will Bess lose Ralegh to his seemingly unattainable goal? Will Ralegh ever be free to re-take his position in court?
Or is he doomed to stay forever out of favour with the new king….? Set against the dramatic backdrop of their times, Sir Walter Ralegh and Bess Throckmorton’s love was passionate and enduring.

The Rider of the White Horse

Set in England’s civil war,this period of England’s history is seen through the eyes of Sir Thomas Fairfax and his wife Anne. For three years she trailed in the wake of her husband as his exploits on the battlefield become legendary, and she coped with the less than comfortable and exhausting lifestyle so that she could be with her husband when he needed her. The vivid writing of the author conveys the essence of this blood thirsty period in England’s history.

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