Download 3 Books by Shalamara Jax (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

3 Books by Shalamara Jax
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.1 Mb
Overview: "I am a thirty-something woman living in the UK with a vibrant family and a vivid imagination. My principal fascination is with erotica and more specifically with hotwife and cuckold stories. I am an avid reader in this genre too and admire many of the writers who produce both quantity and quality with awe-inspiring consistency. I’m always happy to hear from readers and will try to respond when tide and time allow."
Genre: Fiction > Erotic

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Book #1 – Bored wife gets ganged
Geoff is a beta male. He knows that, if he ever bothers to reflect on it. However, he doesn’t realise that his wife Shelley has been reflecting on it a lot. When she finds herself an alpha male in Steve the sparks fly and she lands herself in something dirty and dangerous. But that’s ok, Geoff will never know will he? Geoff, it turns out, knows everything, and the payback comes in different forms. Ultimately, the beta male can become an alpha and an alpha can become a beta, and Geoff shows us the way.

Book #2 – It Started with a Selfie
This is a book about extremes. About discovering new desires even in maelstrom of challenging times. It follows Dean and his wife Teresa as they emerge from the depths of his anxiety and depression. Things seem to be moving in the right direction, getting back on track, when a silly mistake played out on social media opens a new door for Teresa that she just cannot resist walking through. It takes Dean a little while to follow her, but when he does he finds it fuels something desperate in him, something primal. He learns that he likes to share her, he learns how exhilarating it is to have a hotwife.
But all is not as it seems. Family secrets come to light and everything Dean relies on and believes in starts to crumble. What role will Teresa play in this drama? Will she be is rock or his ruin? And what impact will Logan play, the Ewan McGregor lookalike full of boyish charm, is he safe to play with, or is he a hurricane waiting to blow their relationship apart?
This s not a happy, uncomplicated hotwife or wife-sharing novel. It’s a messy tale of temptation and desire, secrets and betrayal. Can Dean and Teresa survive? Will their relationship shatter or will it temper in the fires of their wife sharing adventure? And in the end – who’s the daddy?

Book #3 – Lessons in Lust
Amy is the average English middle class woman, intelligent, content and in a job she enjoys. She dresses like a professional and acts like one. Except when it comes to Kurt, or rather when Kurt comes to her. The difficult male student of common room discussion takes Amy on a ride that she won’t forget. She may be a professional but she is also a ravishing and sensual woman whose sense of propriety has been holding back a flood of supressed desire. Kurt set her free and the consequences for Amy and those around her are going to be profound.

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