Download 3 Books by Alexander Key (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

3 Books by Alexander Key
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Overview: An American science fiction writer, most of whose books were aimed at a juvenile audience. He became a nationally known illustrator before he became an author. After he began writing novels for young people, he moved his family to the North Carolina mountains, and most of his books include that wild and rugged landscape.
Genre: Children | Fiction | Fantasy


The Golden Enemy – In a changed reality, a curious boy confronts an ancient anger
Boy Jaim’s world is a peaceful place where war and violence are a distant memory and man and beast live together as friends. Although his contemporaries prefer to fly far above the surface of the earth, Boy Jaim is an explorer who yearns to chart the mysteries of the forest floor. And so, accompanied by his dog, Doubtful, he ventures into the woods and finds something he believed the world had left behind: hate.
Doubtful smells the beast first—a powerful animal, dangerous and full of rage. It is a bear, come to take revenge on humankind for slaughtering its brothers long ago, and its violence forces Boy Jaim’s people to take up weapons for the first time in generations. But when the bear begins communicating with Boy Jaim, he finds they have common cause and will have to work together to survive.

The Magic Meadow – In the dark of a grim hospital ward, five children escape to another world
They call themselves the incurables. They are five children doomed to spend their lives in Belleview’s Ward Nine, unable to walk, care for themselves, or even take a trip outside. Their days are gloomy, but they have one another, and at night they play the game. Whispering about places that could never be, they build worlds so vivid that they almost seem real. And then one night, their dreams come true.
While the others sleep, Brick closes his eyes and thinks harder than he ever has about the place he calls the Magic Meadow—a lush hill where dandelions grow. When he opens his eyes, he has been transported. The meadow is real, and with his friends at his side, he will return there again and again—to learn, to walk, to live.

The Preposterous Adventures of Swimmer – After years in captivity, a brilliant otter escapes into the wild
Growing up in the high country, Swimmer bathed in clean water and dined on fresh crawfish. Then the trapper came, killing Swimmer’s mother and imprisoning him and his sister, who did not survive. After years of being poked and prodded by the Professor, he has had enough. He slips out of the townhouse and into the park across the street but is forced to return home when the city water proves too filthy to swim in. Unable to proceed on his own, he does something he vowed never to do: He asks the caretaker, Clarence, for help.
Convinced that Swimmer would die in the wild, Clarence refuses to help the otter break free. And so, when the Professor is on a trip to Nashville for a lecture, Swimmer takes his chance, escaping back into the high country. It’s a wild world out there, and this clever otter intends to conquer it all.

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