Download 2AM Secrets by M. Piper (.ePUB)

2AM Secrets by M. Piper
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 208 kB
Overview: Archer was my brother’s best friend. He had been in our lives since before our parents died, he saw us through the wreckage, and he grew up in my brother’s bedroom playing video games.
He should have felt like a brother to me.
But he never did.
New Year’s Eve changed everything.
Hell wasn’t pining after your brother’s best friend in secret for years on end. Hell wasn’t wondering if he even noticed you when you passed him in the hallway at midnight.
No, that wasn’t hell. Hell was knowing how well you fit with someone and not being able to do a damn thing about it. We knew what we were doing. We knew someone would get hurt, but the attraction was too strong.
And we were both too weak.
You can’t keep 2am secrets forever…and when ours crashed, they burned.
Genre: Romance


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