Download 2029 Apophis: God of Chaos by Terry Frost (.ePUB)

2029 Apophis: God of Chaos by Terry Frost
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 188 KB
Overview: The earth has been bombarded by asteroids and comets as far back as the earth’s creation some four billion years ago. The largest impact around sixty five million years ago killed all the dinosaurs on the planet. The last recorded impact known as the Meteor Crater was around fifty five thousand years ago. In the early part of 2004, three scientists discovered a new asteroid and named it Apophis, after the Greek name of God of Chaos. Apophis has been classified as a Near Earth Object which means at some point the asteroid will cross the earth’s orbital path and that will be in early April of 2029. The scientists agree the asteroid will fly within the earth and it’s farthest satellites in 2029. But what if the scientists have it wrong and Apophis does impact the earth? This story is about the possibility of Apophis impacting the earth in 2029.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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