Download 20 books by Kenneth Patchen (.ePUB)(.MOBI)(.PDF)

20 books by Kenneth Patchen
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Overview: Kenneth Patchen (1911-1972) was a major American experimental poet and novelist influenced by Dadaism and Surrealism. A dedicated pacifist throughout his life, Patchen shared with the Dadaists and Surrealists a dislike for the traditional moral and aesthetic objectives of literature. He did not make his work conform to preconceived literary patterns or expectations but was concerned rather with the way language can create or reflect subtle moods and emotional states, and his work was extremely experimental in seeking that end.

NOTE: The final update (Dec 9th, 2016) added the following poetry collections, "The Teeth of the Lion" (1942), "The Dark Kingdom" (1942), "Red Wine and Yellow Hair" (1949), "The Famous Boating Party" (1954) and "When We Were Here Together" (1957). Also included was a comprehensive collection of Patchen’s silk-screens, picture-poems and painted poems.

Genre: Poetry, General Fiction, Literature, Art


Collected Poems (ePUB, PDF): From the appearance in 1936 of Kenneth Patchen’s first book, the voice of this great poet has been protesting war and social injustice, satirizing the demeaning and barbarous inanities of our culture–entrancing us with an inexhaustible flow of humor and fantasy. With directness and simplicity, he has restored the exultation of romantic love to its ancient bardic place beside an awareness of God’s living presence among all men. Kenneth Patchen assembled this collection in his fifty-fourth year. Since space was the only restricting factor in his choice, readers are given a direct and first-time insight into the poet’s own estimate of his concern. Additionally, the texts of many long-unavailable poems are provided.
– Signed copy!

The Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer (ePUB, MOBI): Can you imagine why a pornographer would be shy? Are you satisfied with the state of (a) World Society (b) your soul (c) American writing? Are you in the habit of reading books that could have been written by anybody? Do you really want the truth? Do you know how angels learn to fly? What would you feed a green deer? Do you think a profound social message can be conveyed by a book that is comic in character? When Kenneth Patchen’s comic masterpiece, The Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer first appeared in 1945, these questions were asked on the dust jacket. They have never seemed more relevant. The hilarious saga of Alfred Budd of Bivalve, New Jersey-a Candide-like innocent and part-time pornographer, written with what Diane DiPrima called Patchen’s "tender silliness," should inspire a new generation of readers.

The Journal of Albion Moonlight (PDF): A chronicle of violent fury and compassion, written when Surrealism was still vigorous and doing battle with psychotic "reality," The Journal of Albion Moonlight is the American monument to engagement. Kenneth Patchen sets off on an allegorical journey of his own in which the far boundaries of love and murder, madness and sex are sensually explored. His is the tale of a disordered pilgrimage to H. Roivas (Heavenly Savior) in which the deranged responses of individuals point up the outer madness from which they derive in a more imaginative way than social protest generally allows.

Sleepers Awake (PDF): First published in 1946, Sleepers Awake is one of Kenneth Patchen’s major prose books. A work of extraordinary imaginative invention, it might be described as "novelistic fantasy"—a pioneering new direction in fiction which created its own protean form as it was written. Patchen mingled narrative with dream vision, surrealism with satire, poetry with statements of principle, and explored the then almost uncharted territory of visual word structures twenty years before "Concrete Poetry" became a popular international movement. Sleepers Awake is a rallying cry to young and old, as Patchen advances his long struggle against inhumanity, oppression, war and hypocrisy.

Fables and Other Little Tales (ePUB, MOBI): This is the rare original 1953 collection of Patchen’s humorous fables that were reissued in abridged form as "Aflame and Afun of Walking Faces" in 1970. Included in this ebook are the drawings and postscript by original publisher Jonathan Williams from the later "Walking Faces" edition. "…To give some notion of the fables, imagine Mark Twain and Leopardi collaborating on a script for the Marx Brothers to act out at the birth of the world–by no means necessarily this one!"

What Shall We Do Without Us?
The Legacy of Kenneth Patchen—painter, poet-novelist, pacifist, visionary (PDF):

Vividly colored, surrealistic, vibrating with un-ashamed emotion, humorous, and outrageous—the picture poems of Kenneth Patchen are the unique creation of one of the twentieth century’s most inventive writers and artists. Here is the first major full-color collection of Patchen’s paintings, which unite his energetic poetry with a brilliant tapestry of form and color.
The contemporary equivalent of illuminated manuscripts, these extraordinary works express fury at injustice and at the same time celebrate the integrity of life and the planet that supports it.
The picture poems crowned Patchen’s long and varied career, displaying a wild profusion of media, including tempera, watercolors, inks, glues, dyes, cloth, string, crayons, construction paper, and other elements.
With the paintings is an afterword by Patchen’s friend and publisher of New Directions, James Laughlin.

NOTE: In addition to the original 37 reproductions in ‘What Shall We Do Without Us’ this ebook version includes a further 23 full-color painted poems from other sources.

In Quest of Candlelighters (PDF): One of his most important and characteristic works, this 1972 collection makes available two of Kenneth Patchen’s long out-of-print books: "Panels for the Walls of Heaven" and "They Keep Riding Down All the Time". Both were published in 1946; the first by Bern Porter in Berkeley, California, the second by Padell Publishers in New York. Also included are Patchen’s only short story, "Bury Them in God," from New Directions 1939, and a section from an early version of Sleepers Awake, "Angel-Carver Blues." The rich variety of prose, poetry (concrete and otherwise), and illustrations establishes "In Quest of Candlelighters" as one more reason why Patchen has been called "a one-man literary movement."

Doubleheader (ePUB, MOBI, PDF): Two of Kenneth Patchen’s most lively and appealing books, "Hurrah for Anything" and "Poemscapes", both originally published by Jonathan Williams but long out of print make up the main sections of "Doubleheader". Also included is one of the poet’s most remarkable longer works, "A Letter To God", which is reprinted here from the rare pamphlet by Henry Miller, "Patchen, Man of Anger and Light" (1946).
"Poemscapes" (1958) is a collection of short prose poems which move gracefully from humor to fantasy, from word-playful gaiety to a delicate tenderness of emotion. The poem-fables of "Hurrah for Anything" (1957) are illustrated with Patchen’s own inimitable drawings; Kenneth Rexroth has placed them "in the great tradition of Edward Lear’s limericks, but done in modern free forms and with the bite of our contemporary crazy world."

Because It Is (ePUB, MOBI, PDF): A collection of poems and drawings first published in 1960.
"Kenneth Patchen has created many worlds—the terrible nightmare world of his Albion Moonlight . . . the distorting-mirror world of his Shy Pornographer . . . the haunting, tender inner world of the love poems . . . and now the comic, disturbing world of these new poems and drawings of Because It Is.
Klee and Goya, Edward Lear and Christian Morgenstern, Kit Smart and Blake are others who have had this genius for inventing a special universe of fantastic revelation. So powerful is Patchen’s rejection of the world we read about in the newspapers—the supposedly real—that we find ourselves accepting the dictates of his imagination with full belief and following him with mounting excitement—and a sensation of joyous release—into a world that does exist because of Kenneth Patchen."

Patchen’s Lost Plays (ePUB, MOBI, PDF): This volume collects two plays written by Kenneth Patchen almost 20 years apart.
"The City Wears a Slouch Hat" was written in 1941 and performed by the Columbia radio Workshop (WBBM-CBS) in New York on May 31, 1942. Sound was by John Cage. "Don’t Look Now", Patchen’s only full length play, was composed in 1958 and first performed in 1959 by the Troupe Theatre in Palo Alto.

Still Another Pelican in the Breadbox (ePUB, MOBI, PDF): "Still Another Pelican…" is a collection of Kenneth Patchen’s early and unpublished prose, poems and other works. It was compiled by Richard Morgan and published by Pig Iron Press, in 1980.

Before the Brave (PDF): "Before the Brave" was Kenneth Patchen’s first book. It was published by Random House in 1936 and contains some of his most political poems, which lead to his being championed, in the 1930s, as a "proletariat poet" (a description Patchen rejected). "Before the Brave" has never been reissued, however many of the poems were included in the "Collected Poems" in 1968.

Cloth of the Tempest (PDF): Published by Harper and Brothers in 1943 and reissued by Padell in 1948, "Cloth of the Tempest" was a large and diverse poetry collection that included a number of early examples of Patchen’s picture poems. Many of the poems in "Cloth of the Tempest" were not included in Patchen’s "Collected Poems".

An Astonished Eye Looks Out of the Air (PDF): This small volume of poetry was designed by Kemper Nomland Jr and published in 1945 by the Untide Press. Untide Press operated from a conscientous objectors’ camp in Waldport Oregon.

Pictures of Life and of Death (PDF): This was a small pamphlet style book of poems published by Padell in 1946. It contains experiments by Patchen with typography and use of different coloured inks. A number of the poems have not subsequently been collected or were included in a modified form in the "Collected Poems".

The Teeth of the Lion (PDF): This was a small collection of new and previously published poems released by New Directions in 1942 as part of their "Poet of the Month" series.

The Dark Kingdom (PDF): "The Dark Kingdom" was Patchen’s third book of poetry. Originally published by "Harriss & Givens" of New York in 1942 (their only book), it was republished by Padell in 1948 and collected along with "First Will & Testament" and "Cloth of the Tempest" as "CCCLXXIV Poems" in 1948.

Red Wine and Yellow Hair (PDF): A collection of 63 poems published by Padell in 1949. From the "Kirkus Review": "To those who like their poetry carefully tended in a walled garden, his will sound like ranting. To those who value discipline, the classic tradition, his may seem too free. But for those who welcome, in a cowed age, a voice of honest anarchism, this will have its appeal- though it will be a select one."

The Famous Boating Party (PDF): This is a volume of prose poems published by New Directions in 1954. In "The Famous Boating Party" Patchen displays a playful approach to the form with more humor and less anger than in many previous works.

When We Were Here Together (PDF): A collection of poetry published by New Directions in 1957, comprising the earlier limited subscription-only volume "Orchards, Thrones & Caravans" (1954) and a number of new poems.

The Silk-screens and Picture Poems (PDF): A comprehensive collection containing all of the silk-screen prints from the folios "Glory Never Guesses" (1955) and "A Surprise for the Bagpipe Player" (1955), together with the picture-poems and painted poems collected in "Hallelujah Anyway" (1966), "But Even So" (1968) and "Wonderings" (1971), and a number of uncollected picture-poems. Where possible full-color reproductions have been included in place of the black-and-white of the original publications.

Download Instructions: (Links refreshed and ePUB version of ‘Collected Poems’ added, Oct 28th, 2017.)

The poetry volumes:

The prose works:

The picture poems and art:

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