Download 2 Novels by Prakash Hegade (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

2 Novels by Prakash Hegade
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 1.1 b & 349 Kb
Overview: Prakash Hegade is the author of several novels
Genre: Romance

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Today Calls Tomorrow: This day becomes today,
Every other a yesterday,
Calling with love, a tomorrow!
Every today calls a better tomorrow. If we were happy today, we go with hopes for a happier tomorrow. If we were sad, we have a tomorrow where we stand stronger than today. Between today and tomorrow, tailored is this simple love story. Or in short, pretty much to say, I just needed a title.

Beyond 24: Time!
Time is hideous, rigid and always on time. From time travel machine to fast forward future, time has been visualized in varying dimensions. The exquisiteness of time is that it always gives a new perspective to investigate and inspire.
Beyond 24 is a love story where the hours of time are bound to love. The time is bound to people who are forced to fall in love by a series of time events.
Time lets us heal. It lets us grow. It allows us to see the impact of decisions we take. But what if there is a situation where we don’t exactly know what kind of decision to take? Is it not better enough to leave the consequences to time?

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