Download 2 Novels by Lizzie Lynn Lee (.ePUB)

2 Novels by Lizzie Lynn Lee
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 104 Kb & 150 Kb
Overview: Lizzie Lynn Lee was a guitarist, receptionist, executive assistant, tarot reader, boutique owner, and graphic artist before she discovered that writing is her dream job. The advantage is that she can do it in her pajamas and socks.
Genre: Sci Fi Romance & Erotic Romance

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Cyber Lover: What happens when cybersex shifts from the cyber world and into reality?

Bad Dick: Can a girl get her vengeance while keeping her heart intact?
If only the answer were that simple… Less
Juliet McKenzie is a woman with a mission: infiltrate Armand Black’s firm, sleep her way to the top, and destroy the company from within. She wants Black ruined just the way Black ruined her father’s life. But there’s one problem: Richard Morelli is in her way.
Dick, a.k.a. Richard Morelli, is a bad news. He was Juliet’s first lover, and the one who took her virginity—the one who promised her the world and the one who shattered it. And now, Morelli is offering her an unholy pact: sleep with him, and he’ll hand over the key to ruining Armand Black.
But making a deal with Morelli is like making a deal with the devil. Each time she looks at Morelli, Juliet wants to hit him with a shovel, and at the same time she also wants to fuck his brains out—Morelli is sex on a stick. It’s very freaking confusing.
Can a girl get her vengeance while keeping her heart intact?
If only the answer were that simple…

Download Instructions:
Cyber Lover:
Bad Dick:

Cyber Lover:
Bad Dick:

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