Download 2 Novels by Amber Heart (.ePUB)

2 Novels by Amber Heart
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 427 KB,465 KB
Overview: Do you want a down-to-earth look at what a girl gets up to on one of the best party islands in the world? Amber Heart gave up everything and moved to Ibiza where she parties all night and writes all day.
Genre: Romance


Our Secret Can their romance last when his family finds out?
Eric Flinton
Being the son of a famous billionaire can be rather… repetitive, and Eric needs a break from his name and nagging Mother.
So when he enrolls in the local college, he uses a fake name and changes his style. Overnight he goes from a responsible gentleman, to a cocky bad boy.
After strolling in late to his first class, he’s partnered with the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
Despite his charm and dashing good looks, he fails to win her over. Her studies are too important and she won’t waste her time with an arrogant bad boy.
How will he prove to her that he’s different without blowing his secret?
Rosalie Winters
What starts as a kind gesture ends up captivating Rosalie, his piercing blue eyes didn’t help either.
As she keeps running into him, it becomes harder and harder to hold back her ever-growing attraction.
But her studies take priority, and nothing can distract her from becoming a doctor. Rejecting him was the hardest thing she’s ever done.
After saving her from a sticky situation and driving her home, she comes to find that there is more to this man than meets the eye…
Is he the Prince Charming she’s been looking for?

The Project Why did I have to get partnered with the football superstar?
Dean Harper is the best running back our school has had in years. Tall, confident, too handsome for his own good. You know the type I’m talking about.
All the girls practically worship the ground he walks on. Any one of them would kill to be as ‘lucky’ as me. Who wouldn’t want to be forced to spend the next six weeks with him?
But I’ve got enough on my plate without having to worry about falling in love with a smoking hot football pro. I’ve just got to hold myself together and not get distracted by his toned, muscular body… Ahh, it’s happening already!
If he thinks I’m going to do all of the work, he’s got another thing coming. Just because he’s good at throwing a football around, it doesn’t mean he’s getting a free pass with me!
The professor will fail us both if he doesn’t pull his weight. How do I get this bad boy to cooperate? More importantly, how do I stop myself from falling for his irresistible charm?

Download Instructions:
Our Secret … .epub.html
The Project … .epub.html

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