Download 2 Novels by Amanita Virosa (.ePUB)

2 Novels by Amanita Virosa
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 4 MB
Overview: Amanita Viros is authors of erotic works.
Genre: Fiction, Erotica

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Hall of Infamy
Fresh out of finishing school, the Honourable Amelia Colinbrooke is a proud young lady of nineteen. She is most decidedly not a giddy girl, and neither is her slightly younger cousin, Clara. When the two young ladies arrive at Hope Hall to stay with their Aunt Alicia and Uncle Alex, Amelia is, therefore, appalled to find herself consigned to the nursery. Here the pretty cousins learn that it has been ordained that they spend the summer, subject to a strict disciplinary regime.
As Amelia bridles under the rigours of nursery discipline, Lord Alex and Lady Alicia visit the Hatherby Reformatory to augment their staff, and Emma Swift soon finds herself despatched to the infamous Hope Hall. Like the other maids whose destiny it is to serve the masters of that ancient place, Emma is taught to dance to the rhythm of birch and leather, for beaten out of nubile flesh, the tune of birch and leather is the music of Hope Hall.

Rectory of Correction
Escape from the humiliations of Hope Hall brings no respite for the lovely Amelia Colinbrooke. To her horror, Amelia is obliged to attend a special disciplinary course for wayward young ladies, devised by the Reverend Richard Dawes – the infamous ‘chastising chaplain’ of Hatherby, a man who brings a truly missionary zeal to the task of thrashing pretty, nubile, girls.
Amelia, and the other trembling trainees, soon discover that bitter humiliation, excruciating bondage, and searing corporal correction, are not so much features of the Reverend’s training programme, as their entire new way of life. Dawes takes a particular interest in Amelia. Can Colinbrooke pride resist the rigour of his rod? Or will the whip finally break Amelia and her fair companions to absolute submission to the will of the diabolical Reverend Dawes…?

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