Download 2 Books by Rebecca Stratton (.ePUB)

2 Books by Rebecca Stratton
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Overview: Rebecca Stratton has various jobs through the years and she was always writing. She got a job in an office which enabled her to save up enough money to quit and start writing full time at the age of 45. Her first attempt at a romance novel was accepted by Mills and Boon and she was on her way.
Stratton published over 40 romances in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Most of her books are about English girls in exotic locations, such as Spain. She also published several romances for Harlequin under the pseudonym of Lucy Gillen.
Genre: Romance


Close to the Heart
"I’ll find some way to get through to him!"
Lisa resented having been bodily thrown off his estate, without even a chance to speak to the arrogant Yusuf ben Dacra.
After all, her cause was important. She and her group were outraged that this wealthy, influential man intended to destroy a small Moroccan village in order to build a luxury resort.
Determinedly Lisa pursued him – to warn him of possible reprisals. She was surprised to find that Yusuf was the most intriguing and sophisticated man she’d ever met!
The Velvet Glove
"Marry? But I don’t want a husband!"
Laurette made the declaration firmly–as if trying to convince herself, as well as Nuri, that it was true.
In fact, ever since Ian, the handsome British diplomat, had offered her love and a return to England, Laurette’s thoughts were confused.
How could she leave Turkey and her adopted family? And especially Nuri. Nuri, whom she found aggravating and fought with; Nuri, whom she had just discovered she loved! Could he possibly love her, too?

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