Download 2 Books by Nicole Disney (.ePUB)

2 Books by Nicole Disney
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1mb, 1.1mb
Overview: Nicole is a lifelong storyteller who is happiest when exploring the hidden corners of life.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller > FF


Hers to Protect
Kaia Sorano is a police officer in the dangerous and gang dominated streets of Chicago. She thinks she’s prepared for anything, but when she responds to a bloody domestic violence call, only to find her high school sweetheart is the victim, she knows she has to find a way to help.

When Adrienne Contreras’s mother moved her to the south side of Chicago at seventeen, she quickly saw her safe life and idealistic love with Kaia replaced with poverty, crime, and violence. Now twenty-seven, Adrienne is dating Gianna, a high-ranking member of a brutal gang. She has the streets figured out, but the first rule is to never talk to cops, even one she used to be in love with.

As their attraction grows into love, Adrienne and Kaia struggle to see past the changes in each other and escape Gianna and the gang, who have threatened both their lives.

Secrets on the Clock
Jenna Thompson is a recently promoted supervisor for Child Protective Services, but she’s already having a hard time following the rules. She knows that if she dares act on her desire for her new trainee, she won’t keep her job long.

Danielle Corey’s family disowned her when she came out at seventeen, so she’s passionate about helping children who have been neglected, abused, or abandoned by their families. Eager to prove herself as a new social worker, Danielle struggles with her unprofessional attraction for her new boss.

As the case they’re working on becomes more volatile, their opinions start to clash even as coworkers become suspicious of their obvious connection. Tensions rise, and with their careers and hearts in the balance, Jenna and Danielle have to decide if they’re willing to risk everything they’ve worked for to take a chance at forever.

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Hers to Protect:

Secrets on the Clock

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