Download 2 Books by Krista D. Ball (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

2 Books by Krista D. Ball
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 919 kB
Overview: Krista D. Ball is a Canadian science fiction and fantasy author. She was born and raised in Newfoundland, Canada where she learned how to use a chainsaw, chop wood,and make raspberry jam. After obtaining a B.A. in British History from Mount Allison University, Krista moved to Alberta, Canada where she currently lives.
Genre: Romance

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Harvest Moon: Cursed, abused, and desperate, Dancing Cat steals a look inside her tribe’s Sacred Bundle for a glimpse into the future. In doing so, she incurs the wrath of a powerful ancestor who takes everything from Dancing Cat: home, family, and even her gender.
Injured, alone, and in a man’s body, she meets Bearclaw who is on a spirit quest. As their friendship develops, Dancing Cat must weave a path through friendship, identity, and longing, all the while fearing her people will find her and take away her new-found freedom.
And throughout all this, she asks herself if love is stronger than magic.

First (Wrong) Impressions: Lizzy Bennet’s fundraising mission is to keep her homeless center’s clients well-fed through a cold prairie winter. She meets the snobby and pompous William Darcy of Fitz & William Enterprises. While she’d never dare ask him for help, she can’t stop bumping into him — sometimes, quite literally.
But when Lizzy’s campaign is cut short by the disappearance of her sixteen year old sister, William and his younger sister step in to help the woman they want to make part of their family.
Inspired by Jane Austen’s classic, Pride and Prejudice, First (Wrong) Impressions is Lizzy’s quest for happiness, security, and love in the 21st century.

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