Download 2 Books by Astrid Cooper (.ePUB)

2 Books by Astrid Cooper
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 366KB
Overview: "Dare to be different!" Astrid’s motto has taken her life and career in many exciting directions: she has met Hollywood stars and a movie producer, internationally acclaimed authors, an Apollo astronaut. But how did she get started?
Genre: Fiction | Romance MM


Star Crossed
Close encounters of the sexy kind.
Is this a joke, or payback? Voltan space-trader, Devin, can’t believe that the Pleasure Dome has dispatched such a sex-mate. The younger man is so hairy and dirty, with a beard—for the stars’ sake! Not that Dev wants a perfumed, coiffured man to share his bed, but the sex-mate had better scrub up, or he’ll demand a refund. Dev is lost the moment he hears Robert’s voice and looks into his haunted green eyes. He has to have this man, or die. Robert Warren is running for his life. Deep in enemy territory, the last thing he wants is a close encounter with any Voltan, but that’s what it’s going to take for him to win his freedom—servicing the man who thinks Rob is a pleasure-man. Cripes, he’ll just have to close his eyes and thrust—each thrust taking him closer to home. Plans and desires go awry. To survive an enemy intent on destroying them both, Dev and Rob have to call a truce in bed and out of it. It’s a whole new take on comrades in arms…

Christmas Naughty
Lost in lust.
Life in Brown Creek is peaceful—until the day the Farrell brothers hit town…
When Troy Brady is confronted by the angry Texan, he’s shocked to realize that Jack Farrell is his life-mate. No way! The dude’s wearing a white Stetson and cowboy boots. Jack might resemble the Lone Ranger, but sure as hell, Troy isn’t Tonto.
Jack is on a mission—to save his younger brother from making the mistake of his life, marrying an Aussie gal, Troy’s sister. Troy might be a gorgeous Aussie bloke, but Jack’s not going to fall in love… Especially because Troy isn’t exactly human—he’s a kangaroo shapeshifter. When Jack denies their mutual attraction, Troy does the only thing he can—kangaroo kicks Jack six feet into the air. Definitely not the way to start a relationship.
Well, they’ve tried talking, and fighting hasn’t helped, so it’s off to bed, to settle the problems face to face and get lost in lust. It’s Christmas Eve, so what better time than to indulge in a little naughty? But for Jack and Troy, a Christmas Naughty is just the beginning…

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