Download 11 Books by Savannah Skye (.ePUB)

11 Books by Savannah Skye
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Overview: Savannah Skye hasn’t found the perfect alpha male for herself yet, so she spends her days and nights creating them for her books.
Genre: Romance


Hard Lesson – Rock star Dev Lachlan loves the ladies and, even better? The ladies love him. He’s got it all. Money pouring in, and a super hot band on the rise. Everything is coming up roses and he’s all about paying it forward. So when his best friend and bandmate’s younger sister asks him for a favor, he doesn’t hesitate. Until he realizes what she’s asking for. She wants him to teach her how to bring a man to his knees. He wants to show her—damn, does he want to show her—but something tells him one taste of Cheri won’t be enough. But more would surely tear the band apart…
Cheri Galveston has loved Dev since the day he taught her how to ride a bike fifteen years ago. He was a great teacher then, and she can only hope he’s an even better one now. She can’t bring herself to be with anyone else and, just maybe, if she can get rid of this pesky virginity with him, she can move on and find a man who appreciates her. But will having Dev finally set her free, or has she just jumped from the pan into the fire?

Breaking Colt – Colt Capestrana
Now that the Ruffino crime family has been ground into dust, it’s time to take the Capestrana empire to the next level. And we’re going to do it right. No unwilling girls or virgin auctions. We’re talking a high-class, sweet-ass, underground sex club. Job number one? Find some beautiful exotic dancers to draw in the fat cats.
I was looking forward to the research when fate took over. One dancer. One audition. And she rocked my world. Could it really be this easy?
Bella Ruffino
I was finally home. Shipped off to boarding school as a child, I’d made a great life for myself in France, but I was more than ready to step back into the Ruffino fold. Only now, there is no fold. Because my father was murdered in cold blood and my baby brother is doing hard-time in prison…all because of the Capestrana family. So now, I’m coming for them, and I’m going to get ’em where it hurts. Right in the family jewel.
Colt Capestrana won’t know what hit him.

Saving Grace – Grace
Professor Ridley has a secret… And I’m going to find out what it is.
When I signed up for his Criminal Justice course, it was nothing to me. The last three credits I needed to graduate. Now, it’s everything. He’s all I can think about. I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but the way he moves? He doesn’t just walk…he prowls. And I’m pretty sure those glasses are fake because those piercing green eyes see everything. Even the things I don’t want him to see. If I’m going to get over this obsession, I’ve got to get to the bottom of things and figure out exactly who Jack Ridley is. Even if it kills me.
Hot as f*%k student Grace Farrow won’t stop trailing me with those dark, innocent eyes and, if it doesn’t stop soon, she’s going to find herself bent over the nearest desk losing her virgin status as she screams my name. Terrible outcome when blowing my cover would open me up to a world of hurt, so I have to resist. But when she takes her kitten-like curiosity too far, she puts herself in the line of fire. Now I’ve got to figure out how to save her without ruining her at the same time.

Better to Eat You – Alert: Contains a bad boy biker with twelve years worth of fantasies to get out of his system, and his goody-two-shoes best friend who learns that her inner bad girl likes handcuffs and spankings. This book could cause a riot since there’s only one Jesse to go around.
He’s got one shot. Better make it naughty…
Micah’s new living arrangement with her best friend is quickly becoming unbearable. Not because Jesse isn’t a good roommate. When they’re alone, he shows her his sweet, loyal side. It’s just that he shows the rest of his parts to half the women in town. If she can’t scrape together the money for her own place soon, witnessing the aftermath of his late-night carousing is going to break her heart. Then again, if it’s going to break anyway, maybe she should just go ahead and make a move on the man she’s loved since high school. And risk his rejection a second time.
It hasn’t been easy for Jesse to share space with the one damsel he can’t bear to see in distress. To have her within easy reach has been torture. His foster mother’s words echo in his head: a classy girl like Micah deserves more than the likes of him. But lately Micah’s been rattling his cage. If she does it one more time, she’d better be ready for the animal she awakens.
Unfortunately for him, Micah’s hot little hands are already wrapped around the bars…

Hard Sell – Now that Dev Lachlan is off the market, Sub-Zero needs a new heartthrob to take the lead, but Rory Galveston prefers to be behind the drums instead of in the spotlight. But when sexy siren, Gina Saldano, offers to be his dating coach, he can’t resist. Too bad Gina has already been burned by one rocker, because Rory would love to tear up the sheets with her to find out if she’s as hot in bed as she is out.
Gina Saldano has sworn off rock stars for life. So when Rory Galveston starts giving her those long, heated glances, she will fight this attraction tooth and nail. Because she knows once she has a taste of Rory, life will never be the same…

A Witch’s Harem – Sadie Matheson is a bad witch. Not like a cool bad witch, who kicks ass and takes names while being evil in the process. But like a crummy, stinky, inept witch who will never live up to the Matheson family name or the greatness of her mother or grandmother. When another great spell goes awry and she turns her dachshund into a parrot who still thinks he’s a dog, she decides maybe it’s better to leave Salem and give up witching altogether…until the O’Sullivan boys come along and turn her life upside down.
An ancient prophecy? Check.
Four, sexy warlock heroes with giant…egos and even bigger hearts? Check.
A book you won’t want to put down? Ohhh yeah!

Kidnapped by the Dragon Harem – Four very bad boys, one ill-advised Christmas wish…what’s a girl to do?Eleanor Maxwell loves her job at the daycare center and can’t wait to become a full-fledged teacher. But when a sexy stranger propositions her, she can’t help but wonder if she’s played it too safe all these years. Just when she’s considering throwing caution to the wind for a night of passion, the matter is taken out of her hands as she’s swept away by a clan of dragon shifters claiming they need a mate…and she’s it!

Her Vampire Harem – Starling Mitchell likes her quiet little life. Aside from the constant barrage of bad (like, really bad) blind dates, she has it all together. A fulfilling job, good friends and a sister she loves dearly. But when she’s attacked on her way home late one night, everything changes, and she topples into a world she never knew existed. A world of nightwalkers and lust. A world where a woman can command the love and attention of not just one toe-curlingly sexy guy, but four of them.
A world that is as seductive as it is deadly

Her Warrior Harem – This. Place. Sucks.
Being hidden away in a castle, sheltered from all the very real dangers outside these walls, has some perks, but frankly? I’m sick to death of praying and eating grapes. It’s lonely, and, except for my friend Sadie, the other girls here are shallow and catty. I’d do anything to get the hell out of here. But when four warriors, the likes of which I’ve never seen, ram down the castle walls and steal me away? I can’t help but wonder if some prayers are better left unanswered…

Her Forbidden Harem
Bailey is the youngest daughter of werewolf pack leader Hokkai ‘One Eyed’ Jack, and lately she’s been causing trouble…
Apparently, enough to trouble that someone wants her dead.
But when three Wolf Takers are hired to protect her, Bailey is forced to take matters into her own hands. She doesn’t like the idea of being babysat by anyone, let alone three human males, and she’ll do whatever it takes to escape their clutches. Too bad these males are far more than mere mortals, and will stop at nothing to continue their watch over her…even if it means pinning her under them.

Her Shadow Harem – The name is Bond. Jane Bond.
Yes, really.
And after a string of crummy romances with even crummier guys, I’ve decided to skip all the emotional entanglements, take a tropical fantasy vacation, and just go straight for the meat and potatoes, so to speak. Imagine my excitement when I find more meat and potatoes than most girls could handle! I say most girls, because I think I can handle Campbell, Drake, and Red, and can’t wait to try it…until we get chased by an army of zombies and I find out that my three, sexy mystery men aren’t men at all. They’re supernatural secret agents and, sometime in the midst of doing the horizontal mambo with me, they need to find time to save the world.

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Her Shadow Harem

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