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10 books by Katherine Kingston
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Overview: I’m really very ordinary, you know, so it’s hard to know what to say here. I’m a mom and a grandma. I do laundry and clean house (well, sometimes) and wash dishes like everyone else. I grew up in New York (the city, that is) and moved to North Carolina some thirty years ago. I discovered books early and buried myself in them as much as possible as a child and a teenager. I still love sinking into a good book and getting swept away. I’m an unabashed reader of genre books. I love mysteries, romance, science fiction and fantasy. Horror, not so much. I wrote my first short story at the age of ten, but I didn’t take up writing seriously until many years later. I love the Medieval period and did a great deal of research into it while in college, even though it wasn’t my field. That’s why my historical erotic romances are set in that period. I dream a lot, too, which makes writing the perfect vocation for me. How else can you claim to be working when you’re sitting in an armchair staring out the window?
Genre: Erotic Romance, BDSM Romance

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Devonne and Raje are space-going pirates who were lovers until a secret drove them apart. Some time later, their past comes back to haunt them and they’re forced to compete in an intense and drastic series of contests. The space pirates will have to find a way to work together or they’ll end up with a one-way ticket to an alien slave labor camp. As they grow closer and the danger rises, Devonne and Raje know that their desire and newfound love could tear them apart forever.

Cilla’s Master
Longtime divorcee Charles and recently widowed Cilla have been friends for years. They play together and put on BDSM demonstrations at the club they both frequent. But when their feelings for each other heat up to match the fiery sexual chemistry they generate, other issues come between them. Cilla knows Charles wants a full-time relationship, but having been married to a control freak once, she’s wary of allowing another man that much power over her, especially another who plays the Master role in the BDSM scene.Cilla wants a family and a safer relationship with a man who’ll be her partner and lover, not a full-time Master. She challenges Charles to prove his love transcends their play. Can he leave the Master at the club and give Cilla what she needs?

Dominant Boys of Summer
Julie is in love with Dave. She’s sure of that. But if he really is the man for her, why is her sexual response to him so tepid? She’s afraid she’s frigid, and Dave deserves better than that.Dave’s best friend Nick guesses at a different answer and proposes a way to test out his theory. When he joins them for an explosive and erotic beach weekend, Julie will learn some extraordinary things about herself. She had no idea about her secret yearning to be mastered and dominated. Accepting that need and using it to build a relationship on that basis challenges her. Accepting that Nick is a part of the relationship with Dave adds another layer of complexity to an already complicated situation

Gargoyle’s Christmas
Gargoyle’s Christmas By Katherine Kingston For one month of the year around the winter solstice, Gargoyles can assume human shape, though it entails a steep price. Averic has become entranced by a woman he sees pass by each day and decides to take human form during the Christmas season to get to know her better. To ensure he knows how to please her, he eavesdrops on her dreams and learns that she longs for exactly what he’d like to give her. Tricia McKinnon is just about to give up on her long-held fantasy of finding the right man, a sexual dominant, but one who is also strong, honest and caring. When a fall at a street corner literally dumps her into the arms of Eric Stone, blazing sexual attraction erupts. She cleans his scrapes, feeds him and lets him kiss her until her senses reel. When she learns what he wants from her, Tricia hopes she’s been granted a Christmas miracle. But that miracle is more complicated than she knows and claiming it will challenge her in astonishing ways.

Kyle’s Bargain
In a desperate attempt to save the small shopping center that houses her bookstore, Meg tries to force developer Kyle into talking to the people his project will displace. She even offers to sleep with him to get his time. He counters with a bargain. He’ll give her two hours if she’ll spend a night in his bed, enduring his punishment. Both honor their promises, but neither is prepared for the attraction that blazes between them in the process, turning duty into joy and punishment into pleasure. Lust blooms into love, but they each have baggage—family, financial and emotional—that may interfere with the relationship. And then there’s Kyle’s little confession that he’s into sexual Mastery and occasional threesomes…

Phantom Affair
Robert is the best lover Kelly has ever had-handsome, thoughtful, engaging and a thrilling sexual dominant. Too bad he’s a ghost who can’t actually touch her. When Robert suggests a risky sexual adventure that could offer him a second chance at corporeal life, Kelly agrees to it. He’s open about the dangers of the process, but success carries its own peril. Reality cannot possibly live up to fantasy, can it? Note: Part of the proceeds from this book is being donated to the family of Lara Anne Punches, whose life ended tragically and too early.

Secret Santa Sir
When Maggie gets a note from a very unofficial Secret Santa during the office’s holiday gift exchange, she’s surprised to be tempted by it. This Secret Santa offers to help fulfill her wilder sexual fantasies, those fantasies she’s never admitted to anyone else. Normally the very professional, uptight Maggie wouldn’t consider doing anything so risky. She wants a husband and family, but she also has kinky sexual fantasies and no man has ever moved her. Maggie agrees to Santa’s proposal, and her first few anonymous encounters with him are a revelation, showing her levels of sensuality she’s never experienced before. But when she meets the man behind the gifts and the glorious kisses, her life gets seriously complicated. As Maggie begins to fall in love with him, she faces two choices—longing for husband and family, and continuing a relationship that fulfills her in ways she never believed possible.

The Last Candle
The Last CandleKatherine KingstonThe magic Christmas candles Lindsey Hart inherited from her grandmother have helped her bring happiness to others when they flare up and show her a vision of what can be. When only one remains, Lindsey hopes its magic will be for her benefit this time. She’s delighted when the candle flare shows her a man—a very attractive one. Perhaps he’s the one who can help her explore her deep, secret fantasies, and maybe even one who can share her life.Of course, she has to bail him out of jail first…

The Princess Brat
Princess Fanny was a disgrace to the royal family, an untamed hoyden who refused to be gracious or cooperative. Fanny’s father needed someone to train the young woman and make her presentable, but her temper and sharp tongue have driven away countless tutors. The king will pay generously the person who can tame her.Handsome, urbane Baxter was a lord’s penniless younger son. Training the princess should be the perfect job for him. But when two strong wills collide, they strike sparks off each other, igniting a fire that threatens their hearts and souls as well as their plans for the future.

Walpurgis Night
Walpurgis Night Katherine Kingston England, 950 C.E. On the night of the equinox, all eligible adults must choose a partner to celebrate the night. Lovely, part-fey Fianna is both desired and feared. Prudence dictates Fianna choose one of the young men who’ve been stalking her for an equinox companion. But impulse guides her otherwise. Henrik, an outsider like Fianna, finds both Fianna and her proposition intriguing. But Henrik warns she may not find his unusual desires to her liking. Their passion is hotter than the equinox bonfires. But time and circumstance are against them.

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