Download 3D Worlds and Vehicles with Unity by Patrick Felicia (.ePUB)

A Quick Guide to 3D Worlds and Vehicles with Unity: Create 3D Worlds and Drive Vehicles in Unity in less than one hour by Patrick Felicia
Requirements: Any ePUB Reader, 1.5mb
Overview: Why this book can help you to get started fast with 3D environments and Vehicles in Unity

It can be intimidating to start with Unity, and while several books can provide comprehensive information, you may, like many other readers, just want to focus on a particular topic and get started fast.

This book is part of a series entitled A Quick Guide To, and does just this. In this book series, you have the opportunity to get started on a particular topic in less than 60 minutes, delving right into the information that you really need. Of course, you can, after reading this book, move-on to more comprehensive books; however, quite often, you may have little time to complete a project or to get comfortable with a topic fast.

In this book entitled A Quick Guide to 3D Worlds and Vehicles in Unity, you will discover how to quickly create realistic 3D environments including trees, hills, or lakes, and to navigate through them with a First-Person Character, a car or a plane..

By following the techniques and suggestions described in this short book, I can promise you that you will get started very fast and create (or navigate through) your own 3D environment in Unity with 3D characters or vehicles.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Programming > Games


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