Download Waiting World Keepers Series by Sarah Gai (.ePUB)

Waiting World Keepers Series by Sarah Gai
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.3 mb
Overview: Wow! How do I sum up my life? …. Well, I’m a mother of Three little princes who light my life. A wife to a very patient husband who puts up with my hectic thinking. A completely imperfect christian who sees the grace of God everyday. A tattooed, coffee drinking, wears her heart on her sleeve, incessant chatterer!

My love is writing and reading fiction. I have to sing! Like all the time, so church worship is my Jam…

As for being an Author, I seriously can not pick a Genre and stick to it. Yes, i’m pretty mixed up. I need comedy, tear jerkers, flawed characters, a little adventure and a big escape. So, I write it all!!!

I spend way too much time on Facebook. I LOVE to chat with other readers and writers. So if you want to contact me send an email or catch me on Facebook!! — SARAH GAI
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy

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Raine had a life plan—study hard, finish school, get a scholarship, and go to college. That is until a freak accident changed all that.

Brought to a place that only exists in dreams, Raine must decide whether to join the ranks to be a Keeper or risk death to see where the Creator will send her—Freedom City or the Lost City.

As she battles alongside celestial guardians and Elite friends to determine her fate, Raine must decide what her role is in the Waiting World—before the evil demons of the Underworld do.

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