Download The Protectors Series by Beverly Barton (.ePUB)

The Protectors Series by Beverly Barton (#2,4,8,13,14,15,16,20,21,25,29)
Requirements: ePUB reader, Size: 3.26Mb
Overview: Beverly Marie Inman was born on 23 December 1946 in Tuscumbia, Alabama, USA. Daughter of Doris Marie and Walter D. Inman Jr. A born romantic, she fell in love with The Beauty and the Beast epic at an early age, when her grandfather bought her an illustrated copy of the famous fairy tale. Even before she learned to read and write, her vivid imagination created magical words and fabulous characters inside her mind.
Genre: Contemporary Romance

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2.Paladin’s Woman: Nick Romero, Navy SEAL, DEA Agent, Latin lover, was a man alone – and satisfied to remain that way. Until the night he rescued Addy McConnell, a tall, cool woman with hair like fire. And, rumor had it, a soul like ice. But anyone who fought off a potential kidnapper as fiercely as she had must have a tigress sleeping under her skin. And Nick knew he was just the man to awaken Addy and make her purr…

Addy McConnell felt like a stranger in her own body. For Nick Romero raised in her a near-consuming hunger more frightening than the threats against her. Now he swore to protect her life with his own. But could she give him what he desired in return?

4. Defending His Own: Once Deborah Vaughn had loved Ashe McLaughlin with all of her teenage heart. Then he’d disappeared, leaving Deborah with nothing… except the son they’d created. Now Ashe was back, insisting she play the part of his lover.

Ashe had never forgotten Deborah and the night of passion they’d shared, or the way her father had railroaded him out of town. But as the star witness in a murder trial, Deborah needed Ashe, and he would do anything to keep her safe…and the safest place for her was in his arms

8. A Man Like Morgan Kane: The father of her child
Morgan Kane was the baddest boy Birmingham society had ever bred. But years as a Navy SEAL had sculpted the hard muscles of his body and reinforced the wall around his heart. A heart that had once loved Bethany Wyndham. And a body that was unprepared for the passion that exploded between them on his return.

Bethany stood accused of murder and she needed Morgan to find the real killer! Together, they would face whatever threats came her way. But only time would tell if they could rediscover the love they’d once shared or survive the secret in Bethany’s past.

13. Navajo’s Woman: He was the hot-blooded cop who once stole her heart — right before he turned in his fellow cop: her own father! Now Navajo Joe Ornelas was back, playing the "good guy" once more. And — sweet mercy save her! — Andi Stephens was powerless to deny the passion that still beat within her proud heart….

She was the only woman he’d ever loved. The only one who’d mattered when his duty had torn their tender union apart. And now that Andi needed him, this powerful protector was determined to do all he could. For this time, Joe wouldn’t walk away without his honor — or his woman!

14. Whitelaw’s Wedding: He was the man she had once offered her innocence to. The man who had heartlessly turned her away, claiming she was too young for him. Now Hunter Whitelaw, world-weary security agent with a body built for sin, was the man Manda Munroe would marry…

Hunter claimed their marriage was only a means to lure her stalker out. But when the brooding bodyguard discovered his bride was just as passionate — and just as innocent — as ever, his hard heart was shaken to the core. For now Hunter knew with the certainty of a man aching with long-held desire that Manda was bound to be only his!

15. Sweet Caroline’s Keeper: He was there the night her father was murdered, though Caroline McGuire never knew it. And he watched her grow into womanhood, her silent, secret protector. But bodyguard David Wolfe was forced out of hiding when he discovered a killer on Caroline’s trail. Now, as he stood by her side, he was helpless to shield her from his passion.For sweet Caroline was no longer an orphaned child in need of safekeeping, but a vulnerable, beautiful woman aching for love. A love the rugged loner longed to give her — if only he could. For claiming Caroline would mean revealing his secret role in her sheltered life. But would the truth tear them apart forever?

16. Jack’s Christmas Mission: The last thing Peggy Jo Riley wanted this holiday was a hard-boiled charmer in her house 24/7. But if she wanted to stay alive, she needed Jack Parker. And once she was in Jack’s well-muscled arms, she realized just how much she needed him….

Up until the moment he’d seen desire flicker in her pretty eyes, bodyguard Jack Parker had thought Peggy Jo Riley was just another assignment. But the vulnerability he’d glimpsed under this cool beauty’s armor made him ache to do a whole lot more for Peggy Jo. Like kiss her till she gave him her trust. And love her till she gave him her heart…

20. Grace Under Fire: In this brand-new tale, Jed Tyree is hired to protect Southern social beauty Grace Beaumont…and finds danger alongside unexpected love.

21. Downright Dangerous: DOWNRIGHT IRRESISTIBLE!

She had always been the good girl, putting her family first, never thinking of herself. But now Elsa Leone was a woman on a mission, and her well-meaning attempt to put an end to crime in her town had earned her enemies. Deadly enemies.

Enter Rafe Devlin, top-notch bodyguard and just about as bad as a man can be. Or so he said. But the moment Elsa saw the tender lover beneath the hard-bodied protector, she knew the stakes had just gotten higher. Because if letting Rafe into her lonely life was trouble, loving him was downright dangerous…

25. Ramirez’s Woman: BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY

Presidential candidate Miguel Ramirez was under attack, fighting for the future of his people — and his life. He needed a bodyguard, but J. J. Blair wasn’t the tough-as-nails muscleman he’d been expecting. With a campaign to win and only a petite, ravenhaired "fiancée" to protect him, Miguel knew he’d have to rely on his instincts to survive. Only J.J. wasn’t used to following orders. She was irritating, infuriating…and intoxicatingly beautiful. And although he was drawn to her, body and soul, Miguel couldn’t afford to be distracted. Because having an undercover lover could lead not only to passion — but peril.

29. A Time to Die: Ten years ago, Black Ops commando Deke Bronson’s bullet left up-and-coming journalist Lexie Murrough paralyzedIt’s taken years of painful physical therapy to bring Lexie back from the brink. And Deke is just grateful that she has no memory of his part in the incident that left her injured and him emotionally scarred. He’s tried to put the past behind him, leaving the military and joining the Dundee Agency, but he’s never been able to forgive himself….When Lexie, now head of an international charity organization, begins receiving terrifying threats from the son of the dictator killed during that long-ago operation, it’s Deke who’s assigned to keep her safe from harm.Maybe it’s fate’s way of giving him another chance, but falling for Lexie isn’t supposed to be part of the deal. And what if she finally discovers the truth?

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