Download Quint by JD LaFrance (.ePUB)

Quint: The Boy, The Book and The Buildings by JD LaFrance (A Tellus #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Politics, deception, conjuring, fighting, giants, great buildings, a very old book and an insanely curvy sword. An epic journey…

As a child, Quint fantasized about it all, and on the day that marks his entry into manhood, the dark and mysterious Senator Teyrnon sets him on a quest to save his father, Wido.

Traveling the world in an effort to bring representatives from all the lands of Tellus to Culmen in order to preserve his father’s legacy and save him from exile, or even death, Quint finds himself living the adventures of his childhood.
Genre: YA Sci-fi/Fantasy


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