Download Diana Comet & Improbale Stories by Sandra McDonald (.ePUB)

Diana Comet and Other Improbable Stories by Sandra McDonald
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 283 KB
Overview: A writer of whimsy and passion, Sandra McDonald has collected her most evocative short fiction to offer readers in Diana Comet and Other Improbable Stories. A beautiful adventuress from the ancient city of New Dalli sets off to reclaim her missing lover. What secrets does she hide beneath her silk skirts? A gay cowboy flees the Great War in search of true love and the elusive undead poet Whit Waltman, but at what cost? A talking statue sends an abused boy spinning through a great metropolis, dodging pirates and search for a home. On these quests, you will meet macho firefighters, tiny fairies, collapsible musicians, lady devils and vengeful sea witches. These are stories to stir the heart and imagination.
Genre: Science Fiction


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Download Maze of Moonlight by Gael Baudino (.ePUB)

Maze of Moonlight by Gael Baudino (Strands #2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 392 KB
Overview: The sequel to Strands of Starlight. Vanessa, a young misfit at the turn of the 14th century, is in danger of persecution during the Inquisition. Baron Christopher of Aurverelle, returns to his land to discover that only elven magic can save his people. Until they realize their own elven heritage, things for Vanessa and Christopher will only get worse . . . much worse.
Genre: Fantasy


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Download Rebellion’s Fury by Jay Allan (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Rebellion’s Fury by Jay Allan (Flames of Rebellion Series, Book 2)
Requirements: ePUB or AZW3 Reader, 1.8MB
Overview: The battle for freedom begun in Flames of Rebellion continues in this action-packed military science fiction tale from the author of the Crimson Worlds and Far Stars Confederation series.

Damian Ward thought he was done fighting. But the retired veteran and war hero is now leading the revolution against the oppressive Federal America—a bloody battle for the future of his adopted planet that will cost brave rebel lives. But failure means living under the yoke of tyranny—a price Ward and the people of Haven refuse to pay.

Federal America cannot allow Haven to break away. If rebellion is successful on one colony, it will spread, and threaten the flow of wealth and raw materials the government needs. With its superior troops and weaponry, it will crush the traitorous rebellion, and retain the empire’s standing and power.

The colonists have won the first battle, and driven the government forces from the planet. But the Federals are by no means defeated. For just months after the brutal Colonel Semmes and his defeated troops return to Earth, a new force is gathering, larger, better-equipped, and augmented with front line units, veterans of the last war, ready to take back the planet and end the threat of rebellion once and for all.
Genre: Science Fiction


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Download Modern Classics of Science Fiction by Gardner Dozois (.PDF)

Modern Classics of Science Fiction by Gardner Dozois (Editor)
Requirements: PDF Reader, 17 MB
Overview: "The best stories are timeless. Long years from now the stories here may still touch someone, cause that person to blink, and put the book down for a second, and stare off through the hallow air, and shirver in wonder."
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy


Brian Aldiss
William Gibson
R.A. Lafferty
Ursula K. Le Guin
Lucius Shepard
Bruce Sterling
Theodore Sturgeon
Howard Waldrop
Connie Willis
Gene Wolfe
Roger Zelazny

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Download We’re All Mad Here by Angel Lawson (.ePUB)(.MOBI)(.PDF)

We’re All Mad Here (Wraith #0.5) by Angel Lawson
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI or PDF Reader | 663 Kb
Overview: In the thrilling prequel to the Wraith series, learn about Connor’s life before he figured out how to hide his secret from the doctors and his family. From the time when he couldn’t tell the difference between being mad and being lost. Before he met Jane Watts and the events that followed him from one world to the next.
Genre: Fantasy


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