Download Sgt John Mayo series by Guy N Smith (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Sgt John Mayo series by Guy N Smith (#01~2)
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1MB
Overview: aka Jonathan Guy, Gavin Newman.
Guy Newman Smith (born 1939, Hopwas, Staffordshire) is an English writer of horror fiction.
He wrote his first horror book, Werewolf by Moonlight in 1974, which spawned two sequels. He is probably best known for a series of six Crabs books, the first of which, Night of the Crabs, was published in 1976. The series chronicles invasions by giant, man-eating crabs of various areas of British coastline. These books are legendary in the horror fiction world, so much so that they were even spoofed by the award winning comedian and writer Matthew Holness under the guise of his Garth Marenghi persona.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy

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1. The Black Fedora
It is Festival Week in Lichfield and the cathedral city is teeming with people; some resident, some invited; and some not… Benjamin – leader of a hippie peace convoy, a man with a mysterious past and a destructive purpose. Kosminski – the Polish Premier, ambassador for communism, and for the horrors of a gone but not forgotten era. The police – a force to be reckoned with, but not above corruption. The Bishop – guardian of the Lichfield Gospels, lifelong, believer in God – and the Devil. Haggard – the man in the black fedora. He knows no one, but inspires a chilling, creeping fear in everyone. There will never be another festival like this one…

2. The Knighton Vampires
The presence of a stranger, however innocent his purpose, in the small Welsh town of Knighton is bound to arouse curiosity – even suspicion. Especially in the light of the strange, inexplicable events currently plaguing the peaceful community. Police Sergeant John Mayo has come to Knighton to seek sanctuary: to try and come to terms with the tragic death of the woman he loved. But his arrival coincides with the murder – in their blazing cottage – of an English property developer and his girlfriend. At first the terrorist tactics of Welsh nationalism are blamed, but when a local drug pusher is viciously attacked, his throat torn and savaged, the finger of accusation begins to point firmly in Mayo’s direction. Mayo alone knows that he is not responsible for the anarchy that has gripped Knighton, for the horror that begins only after dark. And as horrific murders follow assaults of inhuman ferocity, a dead woman is glimpsed wandering the streets, and the ancient legend of the Knighton Vampires is resurrected once more, Mayo must act to save its inhabitants from a horror beyond their wildest imagininings. Will his presence herald the final destruction of Knighton – or its salvation?

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Download Crabs series by Guy N Smith (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Crabs series by Guy N Smith (#01~7)
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 2.7MB
Overview: aka Jonathan Guy, Gavin Newman.
Guy Newman Smith (born 1939, Hopwas, Staffordshire) is an English writer of horror fiction.
He wrote his first horror book, Werewolf by Moonlight in 1974, which spawned two sequels. He is probably best known for a series of six Crabs books, the first of which, Night of the Crabs, was published in 1976. The series chronicles invasions by giant, man-eating crabs of various areas of British coastline. These books are legendary in the horror fiction world, so much so that they were even spoofed by the award winning comedian and writer Matthew Holness under the guise of his Garth Marenghi persona.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy

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1. Night of the Crabs
After the mysterious disappearance of a couple holidaying on the Welsh coast, an uncle decides to investigate and discovers the claw marks of gigantic crabs on the beach. This is the beginning of the invasion of the crabs, mutated monsters with a taste for human flesh.

2. Killer Crabs
Their claws were strong enough to snap a man in half. Their shells were impenetrable, even by a six-inch naval gun.Their eyes glowed with malevolence, and as they tore their victims limb from limb they seemed to grin with sadistic delight.Never before had the world seen such an army. They started with the odd fisherman.Then they tackled bigger boats.Finally they moved on to land, and spread death and terror before them. The occupants of Hayman Island had just one hope: if they could find the crab’s spawning ground they might have a chance.There were three weeks before the full moon.After that the crab’s numbers would be beyond control, and then they would be truly invincible.

3. The Origin of the Crabs
Rouse suddenly let out a piercing scream releasing him from the paralysis of sheer terror in which those malevolent red eyes had held him. In panic he turned and tried to scramble up the slippery rockface. But his feet could not grip; slowly he began sliding back down, ever closer to the nightmarish form that was rapidly approaching, its huge claws waving in the air, its powerful jaws opening and closing in anticipation.

4. Crabs on the Rampage
They had come back. One man only saw them and him they killed, hunted him through the dense reed beds, trapped him, drove him mad with terror before they pulled him to pieces and ate every bloodied shred of his body. And then it was quiet again for a little while. Until they came ashore again, in their hundreds, their bodies reeking with the malignant, cancerous disease that was within them.The disease that was driving them mad with pain, mad to kill, to wipe out every living thing in their path. On that holiday beach were hundreds of men, women and children. Food.

5. Crabs’ Moon
the crabs’ killjoy nature draws them to vacation spots only, thereby proving that there’s not a soft shell among them. Professor Cliff Davenport theorizes that these behemoths, now dying from cancer as the result of paraquat spraying by the government, are vengeful and won’t rest till there’s a vacationer in each of their bellies. More terrorizing and devouring. Then, at dawn, there’s drawn butter.

6. The Human Sacrifice
The Girls Listened Intently. The wetlands were silver and shadow in the moonlight. The salt marsh grasses rustled. Out on the mudflats, curlews called mournfully. The Girl Shivered. The incoming tide trickled and lapped up hidden creeks. Soon the wildfowl would be winging down, the waders feeding and squabbling at the water’s edge. The Girl Struggled. Despairingly, she pulled at the ropes that held her, naked and spreadeagled, a human sacrifice for the Crabs. Huge, eaten away by the mutating disease that doomed them, they were returning, dragging themselves out of the water, intent only on tearing apart and devouring their enemy: Man.

7. Killer Crabs: The Return
In 1978 the Crabs attacked Australia’s Great Barrier Reef with horrendous loss of human life. Amongst the fatalities was Harvey Logan, big-game hunter. The world believed that these terrible crustaceans had been annihilated but Harvey’s son, Brock, was sure that one day they would emerge from the oceans once more on a rampage of bloody carnage. Brock was also a hunter and he waited patiently for three decades. He wanted revenge as well as a Crab trophy for his collection. Then the crabs returned, this time on the Solway Firth and Brock’s hunt began.

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Download Ashes by Laura Bickle (.ePUB)

Ashes by Laura Bickle (Anya Kalinczyk, #2.5)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 170 KB
Overview: With “Ashes,” Laura Bickle revisits Detroit arson investigator and powerful spirit medium Anya Kalinczyk as she, her five-foot-long salamander familiar Sparky, and Hades’ Charon pursue a destructive fire elemental named the Nain Rouge through the city’s festival in his dubious honor.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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Download An Argumentation of Historians by Jodi Taylor (.ePUB)+

An Argumentation of Historians by Jodi Taylor (The Chronicles of St Mary’s #9)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI Reader, 2 MB
Overview: Behind the seemingly innocuous facade of St. Mary’s Institute of Historical Research, a different kind of academic work is taking place. Just don’t call it “time travel”―these historians “investigate major historical events in contemporary time.” And they aren’t your harmless eccentrics either; a more accurate description, as they ricochet around history, might be unintentional disaster-magnets.

From Tudor England to the burning city of Persepolis, from a medieval St. Mary’s under siege to Victorian Rushford and a very nasty case of gaol fever, Max is struggling to keep her private life intact. There’s an ambitious programme hindered by giant teapots, plus Mrs. Midgely’s objection to dead hamsters in her airing cupboard, and Mr. Markham’s stubborn refusal to reveal his exact marital status.

And as if that’s not enough―the unfortunately not leprosy-laden Malcolm Halcombe is back. Admittedly, none of this is the most secure platform from which to launch an initiative to bring down the renegade Clive Ronan, but hey―what’s the worst that could happen?
Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download Rise and Shine by R.J. Ross (.ePUB)

Rise and Shine by R.J. Ross (Cape High Series, #20)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.4 MB
Overview: "I caught a glimpse of the pets, too,” I admit. “They look like real animals, even move like them. I sort of wanted one, myself.”

“Your dad could make you one?” Adanna asks.

“Well, I’m still grieving over my last pet.”

“What last pet?” she stops and stares at me. “PLEASE tell me you’re not talking about the exploding mutant guinea pig.”

“It was a heartbreaking time, okay!” I say as she starts to laugh. “I’d like to have a pet, but… well, I’m not sure I want one that’s smarter than I am.” She starts laughing even harder, so I give up and take her cookie.

All of a sudden Cubby jerks, looking up excitedly. “It’s on!” he says, running past me for the house.

“It’s on! It’s on!” Robo says, chasing after him. I look at Adanna, who groans and gets to her feet.

“Come on, we’re watching them, remember?”

“Petleaves! Everybody loves Petleaves!” plays from the wall as we walk into their front room. It’s some sort of commercial, I guess? I walk over, looking at the wall-sized television, wondering what’s so fascinating. On the screen are a group of kids about Cubby’s age, surrounding a very strange looking plant…

“’Danna, Sunny, it’s on!” Cubby says, pointing at it.

“I know, Cubby, but remember, Papa said no. The only creatures we buy off the Dark Shopping Network are the ones that need to be in our sanctuary, remember?”

I feel a chill run down my spine, barely hearing the two as I stare at the screen. The plant on the commercial… it’s moving just like an animal.
Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy


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