Download Virtually Undead by Robert I. Katz (.ePUB)

Virtually Undead by Robert I. Katz
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 279 KB
Overview: Michael Foreman is a neurosurgeon, hard-working, successful and highly respected. In his spare time, he plays the piano.
Ralph Guthrie is a gamer. He makes his living playing online games. He also plays the clarinet. Ralph Guthrie and Michael Foreman are old friends and play together in an amateur jazz band.
But when Ralph is invited to play and critique a new video game, Virtually Undead, and suffers a fatal heart attack, along with nine other players, it quickly becomes apparent that virtual reality has reached out of the virtual world and into the real.
Why has a gas explosion rocked the city? Why has the New York sewer system repeatedly expelled raw sewage into the city’s waterways? And why does a single traffic light downtown persistently malfunction, causing cars to repeatedly crash?
Are all these things tied together? If so, how and why?
When the NYPD and the FBI ask Michael Foreman to consult, he can’t resist the challenge, and finds himself quickly drawn into the escalating mayhem of a video game that’s becoming all too real.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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