Download Thirty Days by Annelies Verbeke (.ePUB)+

Thirty Days by Annelies Verbeke and Liz Waters (Translator)
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.68mb
Overview: With a sharp and observational eye, Annelies Verbeke takes a funny, imaginative and perceptive look at the realities and absurdities of human interactions, relationships and everyday life.

Verbeke matches poetic prose with a cast of intriguing characters and unexpected plot twists. Our protagonist is Alphonse, a Senegalese immigrant who uproots his life in Brussels to become a handyman in a rural district in Flanders. Likeable and charismatic, people cannot help but reveal their secrets, desires and unexpected dreams to him. In her typically astute style, Verbeke weaves a vivid and thought-provoking tale of contemporary life, subtly touching upon timely themes such as refugees and racism.

Thirty Days is a deeply moving story about love, outsiders and the human need to connect, compellingly translated from the Dutch by Liz Waters.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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