Download The Parent Trapper by Honor Justice (.ePUB)

The Parent Trapper by Honor Justice (She Sleuths Serial Killers #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 372 KB
Overview: Murdered parents. A nursery rhyme. A witch. A killer that connects them all.

A serial killer is terrorizing New York, and his sights are set on happy families. Killing both parents in the most brutal way imaginable, he mysteriously lets the children live. The only clues at the scene is the bloody carnage left behind, and a nursery rhyme as a clue. Each set of murders revealing another verse taped to the fridge. Rough and mature but charming Irishman, Detective Callahan is tasked with catching the killer. But when he finds himself at a loose end, he enlists the help of an unlikely genius, his best friend’s daughter.

Innocent but feisty, Samantha is fresh out of college, and is desperate to sink her teeth into the case. Despite disapproval at the precinct, the two make a dynamite team. As they race to solve the case, the two find themselves thrust together on a quest to track down the elusive killer, and the witch that inspires him…They know it’s forbidden. They could lose everything. But they can’t stop the tension building between them. Will their passion be their downfall? Or will it save the day?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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