Download Sex Story Nurse by Coco Bianka (.ePUB)+

Sex Story Nurse: Clinical Nurse Specialist Game With Younger Man, First Time With Mom by Coco Bianka
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 239 kb
Overview: When I was 23 years old, I had the misfortune of falling off my bike and hurting my leg pretty bad. I was completely desperate when I ended up in the hospital, lucky enough to have just my leg broken. But these hospital days gave me an insight on something completely different. I am not that same boy anymore, the one who wanted to live fast and die young, I have changed and I am a better person now. There was something strange happening in those rooms, in the hospital hallways, like it was some other world, completely closed and controlled by its own laws. Now, I understand that there is some strange force that guides us through our days, showing us different kinds of beauty and making us change the view we have on life. I will tell you now about awakening. I will tell you about a woman that ruled this small, hidden world, and that ruled me for the time I was at hospital. I never saw her again, and I haven’t even wanted to look for her. Because if I did, I knew that the magic would be broken, and if I had found out more about her, the image of her I created in my mind would become only ashes. But still, a day doesn’t pass by that I don’t think of her and the gift that she gave me.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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