Download Here I Stand by John Shelby Spong (.ePUB)

Here I Stand: My Struggle for a Christianity of Integrity, Love, and Equality by John Shelby Spong
Requirements: epub reader, 1.2mb
Overview: Here I Stand is the autobiography of John Shelby Spong, the Episcopal bishop who is a lightning rod for controversy. Spong has for decades been working to popularize an inclusive version of Christianity that avoids racism, sexism, and homophobia; as a result, he has engaged leading conservatives (such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson) in very public conflicts. Here I Stand, predictably, gives a blow-by-blow of Spong’s high-profile battles. More surprisingly, Spong also shares some very intimate details about his life that help to explain the sources of his theology. His southern childhood is related in a manner that is every bit as painful and comic as a Flannery O’Connor story. And the story of his first marriage, to a woman whose mental illness persisted for 15 years, is handled with sensitivity and grace. Despite his occasional rhetorical excesses, Spong’s book is clearly written in love–with God, with the Church, and with the world. “I walk inside the wonder of this God in every experience of life,” he writes at the book’s end. We are fortunate that Spong’s autobiography so expertly conveys this wonder.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir, Christianity, Theology


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