Download Laurel Heights Series by Kate Perry (.ePUB)

Laurel Heights Series by Kate Perry (Book 4, 5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 754 Kb
Overview: Kate Perry lives in San Francisco with her love, Nate. Voted by her friends as the woman they’d most want to stroll with down a dark alley, Kate’s as likely to be spotted at the opera as she is doing tai chi in Golden Gate Park.
Genre: Romance

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Looking For You (Laurel Heights #4)
Gwendolyn Pierce has a secret. A big secret.
No one knows that the gourd artist is really the missing Grape Princess—the wine heiress who ran away fourteen years before. And that’s the way Gwen likes it. No paparazzi recording her every mistake, no stern family disapproving of her life. She has her gourd shop in Laurel Heights and lives in peaceful bliss.

Dream Of You (Laurel Heights #5)
Love sucks.
Lola Carmichael’s known it since her boyfriend broke up with her the night she expected him to propose. Only with a deadline looming for her next romance novel, she better find inspiration fast.
Enter arrogant sports radio DJ Sam Touchdown Taylor. Who’d have thought a playboy ex-jock would be just what she needs to get her creative juices flowing…and her heart beating again.

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