Download Finding My Mate by Rylee Winters (.ePUB)

Finding My Mate by Rylee Winters (Shifter Mates Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 361 kb
Overview: Derek:
Being rejected from birth leaves deep, emotional scars inside you that are impossible to completely heal. Even now when I’m one of the best fighter’s in the clan – an alpha warrior – this fact about my past is still an open, bleeding wound.
Abandoned as a baby by my birth parents, I was fostered by wolf shifters who pitied my gangly, stray, lion cub self wandering around on his own.Since then, my life hasn’t been easy, and growing up was pretty rough. Other shifters would whisper about me behind my back as I walked by, and I’ve never felt like I completely belonged in the clan. But no matter how much I tried to outrun my past, I found I just couldn’t shake it off… The dark birthmark that winds around my torso, is a constant reminder to me of that. Some of the shifters in the clan think the mark is a bad omen, but no one would dare to say this to my face – they’re all too scared shitless I would kick their ass. But there’s a part of me that not only agrees with them, but suspects it’s the very reason my parents abandoned me in the first place.With a history like mine, it’s no wonder I believed I was never going to find my mate. So, I’m shocked to the bones when she unexpectedly steps out of nowhere, and I see her walking deep into the middle of a clan fight.I feel the mating call the second I lay eyes on her, and I know I’ll do anything to make her mine.But I can sense she’s damaged inside, same as me…and I know I need to take things slowly and gradually earn her trust. Afterall, it’s not easy for her…she’s been used by people all her life.But I’ll risk life and death to prove to her that I love her, and protect her with my very last breath. Because the lion inside me recognizes she’s the missing half I’ve been searching for all this time… ….and it knows – she’s the only one who can mend and heal my lonely, broken soul.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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