Download Song of Earth series by Michael Coney (.ePUB)

Song of Earth series by Michael Coney ( Song of Earth series,#0-1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 500 KB
Overview: Michael Greatrex Coney was born in Birmingham, England and educated at King Edward’s School.
He started a career as a chartered accountant and went on to become a management Consultant. Then he went into the catering business, managing an inn in south Devon with his wife, Daphne for three years and a hotel in the West Indies for another three. He worked for Financial Services in the B.C. Forest Service for seventeen years before retiring
Genre: Science Fiction


Cat Karina (Song of Earth #0)
Few true humans remain on the future Earth, where caimen, shrugleggers, and felinas dominate. The people are descendents of crocodiles, alien races, and jaguars, and they are much different than the humans–they are products of genetic experiments created to perform specific functions. Some work in the swampy lands, others are the strong burden-bearers, but none are as beautiful as the felines-not even the humans. And no one is worthy enough to win over the most attractive felina, Karina. She is a rare beauty of great prowess, with a tempting sculpted physique that could lure anyone to her.

The Celestial Steam Locomotive (Song of Earth #1)
It is the year 143,624 Cyclic, and Earth possesses only a past. The immortal Alan-Blue-Cloud, remembers what was and what will be, and tells the story of Earth’s future history. After the Great Migration, most humans that were left on Earth withdrew into the Domes where they slept and dreamed with the help of the Rainbow. In a village near one of the Domes, Manuel lives as an artist, challenged by the stagnant life that has consumed the village over the centuries. Manuel joins together in partnership with an old man and a sleeping girl of a Dome to form the Triad. Guided by Starquin the Omniscient, they battle the forces that have controlled the Earth and held it in this state for too long.

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