Download Did the Eagle Get You, Dr. Moss? by Charles Frederick Wiley (.PDF)

Did the Eagle Get You, Dr. Moss?: A Memoir of Ephraim Summers by Charles Frederick Wiley
Requirements: .PDF reader, 35.3 MB
Overview: A lifetime of vacations in Ephraim gave C.f. Wiley an insider’s perspective on the community, and he has drawn on a trove of family records and lore to give us a fascinating picture of summer life in early Door County, Wisconsin. His personal memories covered the period from about 1910 on, but his family has spent summers in Ephraim since 1887. This memoir is a record of Wiley’s time on the peninsula and of his recollections of his Grandfather Moss. As one reviewer put it: “I have read a lot of history of the area, but nothing else has provided me with the feeling for early Ephraim that Wiley does.”
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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