Download Bluebird by Mimi Rhine (.ePUB)

Bluebird by Mimi Rhine
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 329 kB
Overview: Philipp
All I ever wanted was to be loved. What I got was humiliation and pain; and six months after the break-up, I don’t know how to recover from that. Even now, my ex’s voice is so loud in my head, making me doubt my every move. But one day, there he is. Adrien. Calm and reserved, attentive and interested. He’s everything my ex wasn’t, everything I always wanted. Am I worthy of being loved after all? But how can I trust him with my body, let alone my heart?

Falling in love was never the plan. Not until after graduation, at least. Not after the… incident at my old university. But, here I am longing for Philipp, who stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on him. He wants me too, I know it, but he can’t let me in. Something happened to him, something bad, and I’m not sure I’ll ever break through his walls. For him, though, I can be patient—I have a feeling a life with him will be worth any price.

Philipp is broken. Beyond repair, if you asked him. Manipulated by his ex to believe he is worthless, he knows no one will ever love him, let alone touch him again.
But then, one day after a show, there’s Adrien. He’s nice, insanely hot, and he seems to like Philipp. But that can’t be true, right? And if it is true, what does that mean? What would he have to do? What rules would Adrien have for him?
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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