Download Allergic to His Omega by Lorelei M. Hart (.ePUB)

Allergic to His Omega by Lorelei M. Hart (Omegas Inn Love Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 458 kb
Overview: Tanner

I started my restaurant after years of running a successful themed food truck in the city. A peanut butter and jelly restaurant needs to be in every town as far as I am concerned. I’ve been obsessed with the combination and all its shades since I was a boy. So I’ve moved to Oliver Creek, a small town where I thought my brand would be a hit. It is. My unique sandwich combinations have the good folks lining up.

Sometimes when I’m alone at night I wish for an alpha to come home to, to hold me in his arms, but life hasn’t given me one. I already have a good life,


My life is routine—set—scheduled and that’s the way I like it. I work in my home office, creating masterpieces of architecture for museums all around the world. I could travel full-time if not for my limitations.

On an everyday trip to the organic market, I run into an omega. He’s tall and muscular, with a smile that has me melting instantly. But when our baskets crash into each other, I reel back. His is full of the one thing I’m deathly allergic to—nuts. Not all of them, but many, and I’ve been to the ER too often to take chances.

Tanner’s work revolves around a business that makes me clutch my EpiPen tighter. I don’t know if I can have him. Being with Tanner may just kill me. But he’s my true mate. Fate truly has a strange sense of humor.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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